Went for dinner at One Utama just now. Bro took us for Nyonya food at Peranakan Place.
We had..
Not as devil-y as I thought.
And also Four Angled Beans with Belacan. (Bro did not bother about me wanting to take a picture and straight scooped the dish onto his plate. Ish.)
The sotong was good! I enjoyed it the most. The omelette didn't make up to it's name because the lalas were too small, I could barely taste them. The curry chicken could be better if it was more spicy but I guess it is one's preference for the level of spiciness. (I can eat real spicy food!) Vegetables - normal for me but Mother J said it was very good.
Ratings: 8/10. Go try! :)
Walked around and got myself another pair of skinnies. I love love love skinnies; they make my legs look longer. (I have relatively short legs in proportion to my upper body wtf.)
Got home after that. Nothing much.
The sotong was good! I enjoyed it the most. The omelette didn't make up to it's name because the lalas were too small, I could barely taste them. The curry chicken could be better if it was more spicy but I guess it is one's preference for the level of spiciness. (I can eat real spicy food!) Vegetables - normal for me but Mother J said it was very good.
Ratings: 8/10. Go try! :)
Walked around and got myself another pair of skinnies. I love love love skinnies; they make my legs look longer. (I have relatively short legs in proportion to my upper body wtf.)
Got home after that. Nothing much.
Yesterday, Mother J cooked crab porridge for dinner. She bought two live crabs and they were in the sink so I went and disturbed it. The boyfriend said 'crabs also em fong guo'. Lol.
I wanted to take a picture of the crabs but at first attempt one of them was afraid of the blinking focus lights and tried to run away HAHAHA.

On the second attempt:
Crab#1: Eh what she trying to do ah? Got red laser lights shining on us leh.
Crab#2: Noob, she trying to take a photo la. Quickly pose.
Crab#1: Ohhhh okay!
I wanted to take a picture of the crabs but at first attempt one of them was afraid of the blinking focus lights and tried to run away HAHAHA.
On the second attempt:
Crab#1: Eh what she trying to do ah? Got red laser lights shining on us leh.
Crab#2: Noob, she trying to take a photo la. Quickly pose.
Crab#1: Ohhhh okay!
(Although they didn't look too happy)
Little did they know they were about to be dumped into a pot of hot water. Poor crabs..
of course the crab not happy la...they must be thinking : im gona be killed, CRAP!
but on most days the restaurant looks kinda empty. thats why I had doubts.
ok, maybe I'll try the more authentic Nyonya dishes then.
And then they died! T_T
howard: Maybe.. Crab become crap. Haha.
J2Kfm: The place was packed when I went there. Packed till the waiters/waitresses were quite busy. You should try :)
Chingy: Yeahhhh they died. Became my dinner :( Well to think on the brighter side, they had obituary photos! Lol.
Yumz !! Ze pictures are raising complaints from my tummy.. Delish!
Hostel food sucks to the max. You still in hostel btw? Hardly see you these days :(
indeed it was yummy! i'm still in hostel but was on study break for the last 2 mths. gonna start my 2nd semester tmr. :) definitely agree with u abt the hostel food. yucks..
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