I wanted to update on Salisbury Town first but since Juney is so excited to see all my barang-barang, I will blog about my first trip to Meadowhall. :D
It was just two days back, Sunday and opening hours were 11am-5pm. Maple being the crazy one doubted to go on a Sunday because its opening hours were relatively shorter compared to weekdays and also Saturdays. But I can tell you, six hours of walking is not an easy task.
Lovely sight, isn't it?
The more I look at it, the more I think it looks like an image on a postcard.
It's like KTM back in Malaysia but more comfortable, clean and without the "smell".
And most importantly, it's punctual.
*Ahem ahem*
Somebody tell me, how much is this back in Malaysia?
Small cute bag for £4!
My new skinnies and jeggings for £8 and £6 respectively.
How often can you find RM40 skinnies back home?
Top for £4.
£1 only!
But it's being a b**** because my feet hurts very badly now. :'(
I love the one on the right! Transparent Converse shoes eh!
£19.99 but didn't get them. Should I should I?
How often can you find RM40 skinnies back home?
But it's being a b**** because my feet hurts very badly now. :'(
£19.99 but didn't get them. Should I should I?
From M&S.
I LOVE THE STRIPEY SHIRT ALOT ALOT like reallyyyyyy naisss, rm 20 onlyyyyy wauuu belzzz i hate you hahaha.and the colorful converse is nais too keke ple's leg ah that one. and your cutey black bag ia good buy tooooooo :D
UK 's train damn pretty and i agree with your post card pic. basically i just LIKE EVERYTHING lah hahah. UK damn scenic! where is maple's dunno what pricey skirt all lol.
sorry i spam your chat box, you limit the words isit? then i notice your note. "Please leave comments regarding entries in the comments section. Thanks!" hahahaha!
i come here and felt happy. nau i can go study for exam, thank you mabel for fulfilling my request.
love you lots. take care dear <3 hugsssssssssssssssssss byee see you
also love the choc stuff and the lipbalm.
just love all. EASY lol :)
have a nice dayyyyy
yes i likey the stripey top too! like sailor hehehe. yup the shoes maple chose is nice too but guess what it's a junior size HAHAHA.
UK IS damn scenic i love it so much here! :))))))) maple eyes nicer and PRICIER stuffs LOL!
it's ok.. haha. i think the chatbox has limited characters i din limit it..
happy that i made u happy with my post! have a good day and good luck for exams! <3
man...i miss shopping in the UK. my fav place. next comes the US. i'm there now, but so busy with work and exams...hopefully on my last day i get to pick some stuff up.
there's this certain joy with buying pretty things, no?
ps: and damn body shop is so cheap in europe! i bought this gift set with like 4-5 items in it for 5euros in paris -_______- msia sure 200+ de -_________-
ooo ur in usa now? nice! i wanna go there too but we need a visa right? :(
yes the feeling is so good! but not when i count the amount of money used. lol.
omg really???!! then i'll prolly find for those gift sets during my time in europe hehe.
Mabel! Jealoussss kayy!! I am one skinny jeans and jegging fanatic! Yrghh! So effin cheappppppp!!!!!!
And you seem to be enjoying yourself there in UK. All the best dearie! :))
Btw, you should totally get the shoe! Very pretty :) Cheap too no?
Nice oneeeee! And still jealous!! :(
thanks mal :) i'm indeed enjoying myself here, minus the studying part. haha.
yeah the skinnies and jeggings were totally a great deal! hehe.
still thinking about the shoes.. u will see it here if i decide to get it. :D
maigawd y r things in UK so cheap??! JEALOUSY TO THE MAX
[chengy] hehehehe. stuffs in primark are cheap so i usually do my shopping there. :D
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