I'm so tired but am still hyped up to update my bloggie! :)
I love love love today's trip! The place was so serene and peaceful and I could just sit there whole day long enjoying the sunshine and breeze.
Couldn't sleep thanks to our darling bus driver who blasted the radio loud with 70's songs. -_-
First thing to do was to find FOOD. So wise of us. Hehe.
Fish and Chips for £4.70
The fish was super fresh, thus doesn't taste/smell too fishy.
But they were super oily omg I'm gonna need to walk more to burn off those extra calories! :(
When he ask for a pic, I said I was shy and he said, "No need to paiseh wan la".
It was his exact words! 0.0
But the reason I put on the hoodie was because I was afraid those seagulls will shit on me. HAHAHA.
Well, just that I would totally get a sunburn, in which I already got it nyahaha.
(I actually sat there for two hours plus.)
I love this place so much laaaaaaa. I wanna stay here.. :(
I just realized this post is so full about myself! Lol so vainnnnn.
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