UK: Monday (060910); 0040 hours.
Visit was made on 280810. Took a bus for £5.50 to and fro. Entrance for both the garden and house was £9.50 but we got a 10% discount as we booked online, making it £8.55.

Photos by Chen Ling, Hannah, Wey Shin, Yoke Chin and I.

The first thing that greeted us was this:

The rainbow was there because it was raining so we had to wait around an hour until it stopped. Sheesh.

The girls.

The garden was maintained really well.

They even had strawberries.


Don't be fooled by the skies.
It was practically drizzling and sunny alternately the whole day. So we were taking our umbrellas, putting on our hoodies when it rained and after 10 minutes the rain stopped and after half an hour the rain started again. Argh.

Playing with shadows. :)

L-R: Me, Hui Bin, Mei Shwen, Chen Ling & Yoke Chin.


With Chen Ling.

Really wished my future house's compound would be this big.
Okay, maybe not because I would need to spend a fortune on gardeners.


I had
Final Destination thoughts when I walked under the "tunnel". The stones were practically stacked on top of one another and I was praying hard so it wouldn't fall on me.

Twilight trees?

That's the House at the far end of the lake.

Wow this is a nice shot by Wey Shin!
Don't think it's photoshopped.

This is Wey Shin. :)

The kiddo side of me; tempting ducks with cream crackers to make them follow me. Hehe.

The Maze!
Jeng jeng jeng!


But finally found the centre of the maze. :D

Group shot!

Had lunch by the lakeside and faced slight interference from the ducks as you can see from the previous picture.

Apple tree!

Hui Bin and I.

Nice nice nice!
To be continued. :D