UK: Tuesday(150610); 1607 hours.

That's the amount of students from TARC going to uni. The locals who saw us walking probably thought why the town was suddenly infested with Asians. Haha!

I think this is the Owen Building.
Urm, not really familiar with the buildings' names yet. There are so many to remember!


Outside Stoddart Building, where the icy wind were blowing on our faces.
Then, we went walking around.

Fatty's Street :P


Us, in front of Owen Building.

So classic right? Like those you see in movies.
There were super huge pigeons as well.

Just beside the road in the picture above, you can see this tall brown building.
It's St. Marie's Cathedral Church. Wanted to go in but a mass was on. Will make it a point to go there again.

Then we saw the Wheel of Sheffield. Super big!
Also will try to get a ride here some day.
Haven't tried getting on The Eye Of Malaysia though.

Their buildings are so beautiful I tell you.
Malaysians will never ever bother to do this!

The sky was a little cloudy but no rain except a little in the afternoon.
And then we headed to Netto to get some groceries. Walked so much in a day our legs were gonna break.
That's all for now. Stay tuned for more. :D