Went for dinner at One Utama just now. Bro took us for Nyonya food at Peranakan Place.
We had..
Not as devil-y as I thought.
And also Four Angled Beans with Belacan. (Bro did not bother about me wanting to take a picture and straight scooped the dish onto his plate. Ish.)
The sotong was good! I enjoyed it the most. The omelette didn't make up to it's name because the lalas were too small, I could barely taste them. The curry chicken could be better if it was more spicy but I guess it is one's preference for the level of spiciness. (I can eat real spicy food!) Vegetables - normal for me but Mother J said it was very good.
Ratings: 8/10. Go try! :)
Walked around and got myself another pair of skinnies. I love love love skinnies; they make my legs look longer. (I have relatively short legs in proportion to my upper body wtf.)
Got home after that. Nothing much.
The sotong was good! I enjoyed it the most. The omelette didn't make up to it's name because the lalas were too small, I could barely taste them. The curry chicken could be better if it was more spicy but I guess it is one's preference for the level of spiciness. (I can eat real spicy food!) Vegetables - normal for me but Mother J said it was very good.
Ratings: 8/10. Go try! :)
Walked around and got myself another pair of skinnies. I love love love skinnies; they make my legs look longer. (I have relatively short legs in proportion to my upper body wtf.)
Got home after that. Nothing much.
Yesterday, Mother J cooked crab porridge for dinner. She bought two live crabs and they were in the sink so I went and disturbed it. The boyfriend said 'crabs also em fong guo'. Lol.
I wanted to take a picture of the crabs but at first attempt one of them was afraid of the blinking focus lights and tried to run away HAHAHA.

On the second attempt:
Crab#1: Eh what she trying to do ah? Got red laser lights shining on us leh.
Crab#2: Noob, she trying to take a photo la. Quickly pose.
Crab#1: Ohhhh okay!
I wanted to take a picture of the crabs but at first attempt one of them was afraid of the blinking focus lights and tried to run away HAHAHA.
On the second attempt:
Crab#1: Eh what she trying to do ah? Got red laser lights shining on us leh.
Crab#2: Noob, she trying to take a photo la. Quickly pose.
Crab#1: Ohhhh okay!
(Although they didn't look too happy)
Little did they know they were about to be dumped into a pot of hot water. Poor crabs..